Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Tenesu’s Founder and Wellness Architect*
Alonzo “Zochi” Young is a pioneer, master teacher, consultant, author, and trauma/healing-centered facilitator. For over two decades, he sought answers to the question, “How do we evolve well?” Through observing, studying, and examining various cultures and healing modalities, definitive answers seemed elusive until he examined a key obstacle: the infrastructure and framework of imperialism and colonialism. He realized that healing is almost impossible in harmful conditions and environments. At best, we can provide triage. Our communities need safe spaces and infrastructure that reflect their sensibilities to heal; otherwise, efforts become akin to triage on a battlefield, where we are merely patched up and sent back to face the same micro-aggressions, stressors, and traumas. We need environments where we can lay down our burdens and recognize the armor and baggage we carry that keep us in a continuous state of stress and trauma. These legacy environments require a major shift away from invisible, weighted conditions that strip away our humanity and create division and separation. Yes, we are resilient people, but there is a cost.
With this understanding, Zochi began forming a strategic plan, which involved moving to Africa and reviewing and modifying his framework of teaching and being. This created a paradigm shift toward a more integrative and interdisciplinary process of teaching and learning. Thus is the origin story of Tenesu! And the vision for creating conditions for true healing to occur.
*Wellness Architect: One who designs infrastructure, brave environments, and programs for the holistic wellbeing of Communities
Dr. Nobles is a founding member of the Association of Black Psychologists and former national President. He is Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies and Black Psychology at San Francisco State University ….
Director of The Wright Resort, Your Soul Safari to Success, dedicated to (R) evolutionary Feminine Leadership. Librates spiritual women entrepreneurs, visionaries and change makers to facilitate (r) evolutionary social change in their businesses, organizations, communities and ultimately heal humanity and the planet!
Director of Learning Strategies, Government Alliance on Race & Equity
She directs the translation of GARE’s strategic framework into relevant, impactful, accessible, and measurable learning opportunities and pathways for racial equity practitioners in government.
Joseph Acquah is a founding member of the clinical staff of UCSF’s Osher Center of Integrative Medicine. He has practiced acupuncture for over 35 years and the Art of Tai Chi Chuan for 30 years. He has participated in all three branches of the Osher Center, Clinical, Educational and Research. He specializes in Asian medicine that includes diet, exercise, massage, herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Mutima Imari is a social justice visionary, reverend, master trainer and facilitator working to heal the heart of humanity by providing 21st century tools for personal/professional development and transformation.